As you may remember, last week I baked a batch of pretty darn awesome
(Paleo) Nilla Wafers with just one goal in mind, whip up some banana pudding during the weekend.
Which is what I did.
It turned out great; so great, I offered some of that pudding to a couple of friends I had over for dinner... and before I knew it, there was none left. Like none, nada, zip, zero, zilch.
This, under normal circumstances, is fantastic; there’s no more satisfaction for a cook than seeing no leftovers of the food you offer.
But you see, I hadn’t taken pictures of the banana pudding yet, and in the food blogging world not taking pictures equals to a catastrophe of epic dimensions.
I’m talking about “Release the Kraken!” or Death Star destroying entire planets or the Chitauri fleet invading the Earth, that kind of catastrophe.
Catastrophe as in you have to start all over again from square one.
Buying the ingredients, baking the wafers, assemble pudding, let it rest and then hope, hope there’s still a ray of light outside that will allow you to take decent pictures.
Not great, decent.
Good enough to make you guys wanting to try it out. Because this is the point of this whole site and what I do. Inspire you in making the recipes I create. Right?