First off, let me clear the air: We’re back in the randomness world. The more structured IronYou didn’t last more than three days — that is 72 hours. I know, epic fail.
There was no self-sabotage here though; the feedback I got from you guys about the randomness factor has been so dope, I couldn’t have possibly overlook it. (Thank you all for being this cool, btw!)
And if YOU like TheRandomYou more than TheStructuredYou, then who am I to deny it?
It didn’t took that much to convince me though. I’m not the type of person that can easily fit into a cookie-cutter kind of life, let alone I can possibly blog in that kind of fashion.
I still don’t know how I talked myself into that ; but as you see I got back to my senses and to the old me (tbh I don’t think there was ever a new me).
In other words, TheIronRandom is back.Yo.