Double Chocolate Protein Muffins

April 29, 2012

Double Chocolate Protein Muffins
I’m very picky when it comes to chocolate muffins. I almost like only those that my friend Matt’s Nanna makes. They’re truly unbelievable: fluffy, comforting, decadent and (of course) packed with calories. Nanna still lives in Tennessee, hence I can have her awesome muffins only when we go visit.
However, I wanted to create an “IronYou” version of them. That’s why I called up Nanna and kindly asked her for the secret recipe. She gave it to me but made me swear that I would not reveal it. I’m planning on honoring such promise. What you’ll find below it's the healthier version of Nanna’s double chocolate muffins.

Greens Help Repairing Damages Caused By Strenuous Workouts

April 28, 2012

Working out is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, we all know that. And if moderate exercise is good for us, high-intensity training increases dramatically the demand on our bodies and this can cause damages to our DNA.
In other words if you’re an Ironman, a triathlete, an otherwise endurance athlete or just a workout junkie that enjoys putting his body to test quite often (such as myself) you want to be extra careful in addressing the “DNA issues” related to strenuous exercise.
How? According to a new study, published in the latest issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, from scientists at Edinburgh Napier University and the University of Ulster, eating green leafy veggies (such as watercress) can prevent some of the damage caused by high intensity exercise and help maximise the benefits of a tough workout.
In other words, the more you workout the more green leafy veggies you want to include in your daily eating regimen.

Green Coffee Beans: The Next Miracle Weight-Loss Food?

April 27, 2012

Whenever I hear of a miracle weight-loss food my usual reaction is: “Whatever...” Losing weight entails too many variables in our body for just one single food to work the magic. Eating less, eating better and exercising is what usually works when one wants to drop a few pounds.
But, my beliefs can be wrong, as scientists have just reported striking new evidence that green coffee beans can produce a substantial decrease in body weight in a relatively short period of time.
So that might be it? All we need is to chew some green coffee beans and all our fat-related problems will suddenly disappear?
As usual, it’s not that easy, but there might be something going on here.

Book Review: The Ghost Runner - The Tragedy of the Man They Couldn't Stop

April 26, 2012

This is one of those books you just can’t stop reading once you started. The story is well written and I was so involved I stayed up into the night to finish it. I liked it so much that I keep talking about it to everybody.
In other words, if you really want to read a true inspiring story: that’s your book.
Because this is one of the most moving, engrossing, and tragic, tales in the history of athletics I’ve ever heard of.

The Heath Benefits Of White Button Mushrooms

April 23, 2012

I always considered white button mushrooms as some kind of neutral food. Very light taste, almost calories free but, from a nutritional standpoint, not that relevant.
Boy I was wrong. Not as to taste or calories wise, but nutritionally; as they’re in fact quite special.
And if you think that white button mushrooms represent around 90% of the total mushrooms consumed in the US, well, we can be happy with our eating choices, at least for once.
White buttons mushrooms are said to be a wonder for our immune system, according to a research conducted by scientists funded by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

I Must Eat Slowly, I Must Eat Slowly, I Must Eat Slowly!

April 19, 2012

I don’t know what’s up with me these days. I sit at the table and engorge food as fast as I can. I just can’t help myself.
I know that this is a wrong thing to do. It’s a bad habit. One that I want to break before it’s too late.
In that effort, I did what my elementary school’s teacher forced me to do when I did something wrong at school. I grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote “I must eat slowly” over and over again on the chalkboard...until I became nauseated.
The same way Bart does in the opening sequence of every episode of “The Simpsons”.

Cold-Water Bath: Does It Really Help Recovery?

April 18, 2012

Taking an ice water bath after a strenuous workout is a common practice not only among elite athletes but also with amateurs; in an effort to try to recover faster, and reduce (if not prevent) muscle pain and soreness.
From Ironman World champion Craig Alexander, to professional rugby players and marathoners, the after-workout ice bath has become a standard practice routine.
Before embarking in this rather “unpleasant” experience it's important to know the benefits and the side effects of it.

The Best Tofu Burger

April 17, 2012

Until recently I never bought into the whole tofu burger thing. I mean, can two words be that far apart?
Burger: not very healthy, but delicious, juicy, a word, AWESOME.
Tofu: healthy, but blunt, crumbly, three words, NOT REALLY awesome.
Yes, I must confess it: I’m struggling quite a bit with tofu. I mean, great nutrition facts but the taste takes out all the fun from eating (...and for this statement I truly apologize with all you tofu-lovers).
Try asking to a friend/colleague: “Shall we grab a burger for lunch?” -> reaction: smile and probably a “I’m down for it!
Now try asking him/her instead: “Shall we have some tofu for lunch?” -> reaction: puzzled face and probably a “Really? Tofu?
I believe that time has come to reverse this train of thoughts, and prove that tofu can be a good and fun thing to eat. And nothing works better in accomplishing such task than creating a tasty tofu burger.
Now, I’ve tried at least 20 different recipes (I’m not kidding) and, none was up to par with the real thing. Fortunately, I found this one on myrecipes. I tried it and it was pretty damn good.
However, I did made some changes, not only to make it more “IronYou” proof, but also to give it a more meat-like taste.

How Sodas Affect Your Body

April 16, 2012

I haven’t had a soda in years. It’s been so long I can’t actually remember when I had the last one. Thing is I don’t care about sodas. I don’t enjoy the taste, it’s either too sugary or chemical.
Plus the fact that they’re packed with extra calories, colorants, and other stuff, makes them even less appealing to my eyes.
Anyway, I just found this awesome poster on Diet-Blog, on the effects of soft drinks on our health.

Have You Ever Tried Black Garlic?

April 13, 2012

Until 48 hours ago I wasn’t aware that there was a thing such as black garlic. How provincial of me. I used to believe that garlic was just garlic, white cloves wrapped in a white peel. People either love it (me) or hate it (a bunch of my friends). It’s healthy’s white.
Well, now I know that it’s white but it can also be black, like the Oakland Raiders’ uniforms (minus the silver).
Surprisingly, black garlic has even more health benefits than regular white garlic. Oh yes, and it doesn’t give you bad breath.
I bought two small bulbs at Kalustyans on 28th & Lex. I peeled one, looked at the black cloves in amazement, and tried was good, nothing of what I expected but definitely good.
Let’s talk a little bit about it!