Most of the time these offers are legit; other times you get the feeling they’re computer/mass generated because they’re just way out of line.
Such as the one I got last night.
“Hi Mike,
Hope all is well! I wanted to reach out with a few unique story ideas for your blog.
Below are some women-centered, completely unique story ideas/topics – let me know thoughts:
(1) PMS, Menopause and eating for your age: Did you know that based on age, women need to start eating specific foods to stay healthy, happy and fit?
(2) PMS and relationships: Do your cramps and crankiness make your significant other avoid you at all costs once per month? Our expert can weigh in on the best ways to soothe PMS symptoms and get you back on track (your guy will appreciate it!)
(3) Cramping, Crankiness and Headaches, oh my! PMS affects 681 million females in the U.S. and all are looking for some type of relief from the various symptoms. Our expert can speak to why we get PMS and unique, out-of-the-box alternatives to help symptoms”
First off, YOU, yes you, PR woman, did you even care to notice you sent this email to a dude?
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not ditching the informational value of your message.
I mean, I do get cranky, but in the morning and before having my cup of Joe.
I also get cramps, in my legs, especially after running more than 17 miles, and if I haven’t hydrated properly.
Headaches happen too, such as when the music is too loud at the gym (yes, Equinox, let’s remind ourselves that a gym is a gym, not a club!)
But why do you think I should be interested in discussing PMS? I'm seriously not the best person to talk about it... and what I already know is kind of enough for me.